DIATRON 6060-µNetwork
- Compact Measuring Computer for shop floor.
- Self-Storage Functions with touch screen Capability.
- Statistical Analysis for upto 8 Tesa-compatible HBT Probes or one receiver module.
- Sturdy Measuring Computer with Storage Functions.
- Automatic or manual collection of measured values via radio (DIAWIRELESS), cable or via touch
- Display of measured values as bar chart, control chart or
- Easy programming of quality control plans and control functions for g. multi-plane measuring fixtures.
- Easy setting up of calibration procedure, which works automatically or manually by parts counter or
- Compact and robust construction with passive
- 8" TFT display (800 x 600 ) with touch screen, adjustable tilt
- Flexible modular system for inductive probes (1/2/4/8), wireless.
- Many digital indicators (via cable/wireless), digital l/O modules and many more (Remark: standard is tesa compatible half-bridge transducer).
- Interfaces: USB, Ethernet, RS232 (Com-Port).
- Standard Software DIA-Gauge Base, Data export to csv format.
- With Optional Software DIA-Gauge Extended data can be exported to Q-DAS, SPC Display of Control Chart, CP & Cpk, Histogram is possible.