FM Series
- Quick and easy measurement of (HV) Vickers scale, (HK) Knoop, (HBS, HBW) Brinell, (Kc) Fracture Toughness.
- One touch selection on touchpad.
- Evaluates material’s strength, ductility, wear resistance which determines whether material or material treatment is suitable or not.
- Laboratory and shop floor machine.
- Available in three different variants with option for auto turret movement.
- FM 110
- FM 310
- FM 810
- Accuracy Conform to JIS B-7734 / B-7725, ASTM E-384, and ISO 6507-2.
- Available with option for complete automation software.
- Auto focus, auto read and auto stage facility available.
- Wide variety of weight loads available.
- USB Port Output available connected directly to machine.
- Cylindrical / spherical offset function.
- Specimen thickness calculation function available.
- Advanced color LCD touch panel operation and display.
- Accurate light load brinell testing function (FM-810 Series).
- Fracture toughness (Kc) can be measured as a standard function according to JIS R1607/IF Method.
- X-Y coordinate display interfaced with the digital micrometer head (optional).
- Option of 4 Object Lenses enables to observe wide specimen area with upto 4 object lenses available.
- 2 indenters for HV / HK measurements possible.
- Case depth graph on LCD display.
- Loads range from 1gj to 2000 gf available under five different test load types.
- Loading Mechanism can be Automatic Load And Release Method
- Applying load speed of 60 µm/sec.
- Two standard object lends of 50x and 10x. (option to add more lens)
- Standard diamond Vickers indentor with option to have dual indenters.
- Standard stage size of 100 x 100 with option for bigger stage size.
- Maximum specimen size possible 95 mm (height) and 115mm (Width)